About Us

Started in 2005, as CV. Golden furniture, we produced mainly teak furniture for a Danish company.
Premium teak is our strong heritage, as teak has been our daily production activity for many years.
We process only mature teak. Mature teak has more density and rich of natural oil, ensuring water and insect resistant of the timber.
All selected timber is kiln dry to reach MC below 12% to stabilize it against the weather.
We have a complete line of saw mill, Kiln Dyers and wood processing machines. All are set in the same location for maximum control.

We commit our self to use only teak from Legal sources.
In 2008 we have received VLO (Verified Legal Origin) certificate from TUV Rheinland Indonesia.
We got SVLK certificate from BRIK and COC FSC certificate from BM Trada in 2013.

Starting in 2008, a group of young designers and R&D team have been recruited.
Stainless steel, Aluminum, Rattan wicker, Batyline, Trespa, concrete and natural stone have been added as supplement to the teak furniture to get not only the beauty but also the designs flexibility in matching any of upcoming trends.
Supported by our integrated wood, metal and wicker facilities, we offer new concept of flexibility to our customers to produce wider range of outdoor and indoor furniture with no minimum order.
All production is done indoor to ensure a proper inline quality control check.

Furniture fairs.
In 2010, the company has been upgraded to become PT. Evoline Furniture Industry.
Since then, Indonesian furniture fair, Spoga , IMM and High Point Market have been our yearly routine.
Our diversity of designs have been well accepted among our customers, not only in Europe but also in Australia, Turkey even Peru.
We also have been chosen as the most successful company under SIPPO organization in Spoga 2012, proving our self that our years of dedication have been well appreciated.


Nevertheless, beyond of our capability to make good products, SIPPO organization has taken a big part on our success history.
The marketing team, the furniture expert advisory and the great support during the fair have been a big help for us in stepping forward into the global market. We thank for that.
Their lead has been granted, now it is our turn to keep it ahead….

We value customer satisfaction at the most.
We appreciate every business possibilities even its small.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any inquiry.

We are looking for sales agents in some countries, especially USA.
Send us your proposal if you have any interest.

PT. Evoline Furniture Industry

Ds. Sumokembangsri Balong Bendo.

Sidoarjo - Jawa Timur
Phone : +62-31-8709156
Fax : +62-31-8709156

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

About Evoline Furniture Industry

Started in 2005, as CV. Golden furniture, we produced mainly teak furniture for a Danish company.
Premium teak is our strong heritage, as teak has been our daily production activity for many years.