
Stainless Steel Pipe
304 stainless steel pipe is a strong, tough metal with high corrosion protection, high temperature resistance and the ability to be sterlized. It has high workability and can be manufactured to tight tolerances and welded. These alloys are the most commonly used of the stainless steel alloys and are a cost-effective choice for most applications

PT. Evoline Furniture Industry

Ds. Sumokembangsri Balong Bendo.

Sidoarjo - Jawa Timur
Phone : +62-31-8709156
Fax : +62-31-8709156

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

About Evoline Furniture Industry

Started in 2005, as CV. Golden furniture, we produced mainly teak furniture for a Danish company.
Premium teak is our strong heritage, as teak has been our daily production activity for many years.